Friday, February 27, 2009

Opinion response

Read the following article. Then write a personal response to it as a comment on this blog post. Your response should be at least one healthy paragraph in length.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Presentation Time!!!

Go to "My Computer"
Open the "Assignment Drive" (P)
Open the folder named "Mrs. Baione-Doda."
Open the folder named "DEBATING."
Open the file "first presentation score sheet."
Save the file on your H drive as your last name and the word "score"

Get your group and your group's work together.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Grading...Do you want to revise???


Persuasion map = 15

Works Cited = 40

Poster = 15

Working in class = 30 group/10 each


Persuasion Techniques (pathos, logos, ethos, appeal to authority) = 50

Public Speaking Techniques (eye contact, body language, posture, articulation, pronunciation, pitch, pace, pause, volume, quality, variance) = 50


Put all of your work that you have prepared for today in a folder. Put all of your group member's names on the folder and the topic.

Hand in your work by putting it on the table in the middle of the room.

Find some headphones or a partner. Click on the link below. Watch the speech. Use the annotations on the sidebar to help you. Then, post a personal response to three issues addressed in the speech on your blog. Each response should be at least a paragraph in length.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Your presentations are due tomorrow.

The first thing you should do right now is go to and log into your account.

Today, you should be planning your speeches and printing out your Works Cited page. Make sure you have the rest of the requirements ready for tomorrow's class.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Your projects are due this Wednesday.


Submit a completed persuasion map.

Submit a Works Cited page that shows you have used at least three sources for your project.

Present and submit a campaign poster (like a giant advertisement for your issue) that utilizes the elements of persuasion.

Create a 6 minute presentation (each person should speak for two minutes) explaining why your issue is important. This is not a debate. You cannot be one-sided. Show BOTH sides of the issue. Be sure to utilize the elements of persuasion in your presentation.

You will be speaking extemporaneously (previously planned but delivered with the help of few or no notes)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday, 2/12

Do now: Go to and sign into your account.
  • Click "My Lists" as the top of the page.
  • Check the box next to the list you have created for this assignment.
  • Click the "Share" button at the underneath your lists.
  • Type your name, first and last, in the "My Name" box.
  • Then, fill in the "Class name" as: Debate BD

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Time to Begin Your Research

Do Now: Move to be with your team. You need to post your team name, your team members , and your claim as a comment on this post. You have ten minutes to do this.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday - Persuasion Continued


Link to the following article. Read the article carefully. Then, try to identify the issues (political, legal, social, etc.)that are called into question by this incident. Then write your reaction as a COMMENT ON THIS BLOG POST.

Once you have completed the DO NOW, complete the poll at the top, left of this page.

Notes and your first major assignment:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday - Issues and Persuasion


Link to the following article. Read the article carefully. Then, try to identify the issues (political, legal, social, etc.)that are called into question by this incident. Then write your reaction as a COMMENT ON THIS BLOG POST.,0,4189574.story

Today's notes (do not begin until you are directed to do so.)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Speech Analysis due today

The analysis of two speeches is due at the end of the period today. For each speech, embed the video into your blog. Then, analyze it by catagory (describe and evaluate each element of public speaking).

Your work should be posted by the end of the period.